Type MC Cable can be used to replace wire and conduit in applications such as cable tray, power lighting, service feeders and branch circuits as permitted by the National Electrical Code. KINGWIRE’S aluminum MC cable is suitable for use in concealed or exposed installations including environmental air spaces per NEC 300.22. In addition, KINGWIRE’S aluminum MC is suitable for use in vertical applications if installed per the NEC requirements of section 300-19 (a) and section 330.30.



Type MC cable is constructed with 3 or 4 8000 series compact stranded aluminum XHHW-2 conductors cabled with a bare or insulated 8000 series aluminum grounding conductor. A binder identification baring tape is wrapped over the cabled assembly. Aluminum armor is interlocked over the conductor assembly. All insulated conductors are phase identified.



UL Standard 44, UL standard 1569, Federal Specification JC-30B, ICEA S-66-524 and requirements of the National Electrical Code.
Compliant to RoHS, Directive 2002/95/EC, ICEA S-95-658, NEMA WC 70.



Cond. Size AWG or MCM Sub Assembly (O.D.) Overall Diameter (in) Weight per 1000 ft. (lbs) Ampacity (amps) 75° C Ampacity (amps)
90° C
Three Conductor with Ground
6-6-6-6 0.57 0.78 237 50 55
4-4-4-6 0.66 0.88 298 65 75
2-2-2-6 0.78 1 411 90 100
1-1-1-4 0.89 1.11 496 100 115
1/0-1/0-1/0-4 0.97 1.19 578 120 135
2/0-2/0-2/0-4 1.06 1.27 678 135 150
3/0-3/0-3/0-4 1.16 1.38 833 155 175
4/0-4/0-4/0-2 1.27 1.59 1089 180 205
250-250-250-2 1.42 1.73 1275 205 230
300-300-300-2 1.51 1.79 1361 230 255
350-350-350-2 1.62 1.94 1653 250 280
400-400-400-1 1.72 2.04 1830 270 305
500-500-500-1 1.88 2.2 2177 310 350
600-600-600-1 2.1 2.4 2608 340 385
750-750-750-1/0 2.3 2.5 3118 385 435
Four Conductor with Ground
6-6-6-6-6 0.70 0.92 278 50 55
4-4-4-4-6 0.77 1.04 360 65 75
2-2-2-2-6 0.89 1.10 482 72 100
1-1-1-1-4 0.99 1.21 619 80 115
1/0-1/0-1/0-1/0-4 1.08 1.3 727 92 135
2/0-2/0-2/0-2/0-4 1.18 1.4 858 108 150
3/0-3/0-3/0-3/0-4 1.3 1.61 1138 124 175
4/0-4/0-4/0-4/0-2 1.42 1.74 1374 144 205
250-250-250-250-1 1.58 1.9 1634 184 230
300-300-300-300-1 1.70 1.99 1722 230 255
350-350-350-350-1/0 1.82 2.13 1969 250 280
400-400-400-400-1/0 1.91 2.20 2189 300 305
500-500-500-500-2/0 2.11 2.35 2653 310 350
600-600-600-600/2/0 2.35 2.67 3177 340 385
750-750-750-750/3/0 2.60 2.86 3858 385 435

1. Ampacities shown are for general use as specified by the National Electrical Code, Section 310.15
Under normal conditions four conductor ampacities are not derated as shown above. If NEC Section 310.15 (b) (4) (a) does not consider the neutral as current carrying conductor, use ampacities listed for the three conductor cable.
2. Standard lengths are subject to normal manufacturing tolerance of +/- 10%
3. Other conductor sizes available upon request. Other ground sizes are available upon request.