Used as bare overhead transmission cable and as primary and secondary distribution cable. ACSR offers optimal strength for line design. Variable steel core stranding enables desired strength to be achieved without sacrificing ampacity.



Aluminum alloy 1350-H-19 wires, concentrically stranded about one steel core. Core wire for ACSR is available with class A, B, or C galvanizing; “aluminized” aluminum coated (AZ); or aluminum-clad (AW). Additional corrosion protection is available through the application of grease to the core or infusion of the complete cable with grease.



ACSR bare conductor meets or exceeds the following ASTM specifications:

  • B-230 Aluminum Wire, 1350-H19 for Electrical Purposes
  • B-231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded
  • B-232 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded, Coated Steel Reinforced
  • B-341 Aluminum-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AZ)
  • B-498 Zinc-Coated Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AZ)
  • B-500 Zinc-Coated and Aluminum-Coated Stranded Steel Core for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced (ACSR)



Code Word Size
Stranding (AL/STL) Diameter Weight
per 1000 ft (Lbs)
Content % Rated Breaking Strength (Lbs) Resistance OHMS/1000 t Rating
Indiv. Wire AI Indiv. Wire STL Steel
Complete Cable OD AL STL Total AL STL DC
@ 20˚C
@ 75˚C
Turkey 6 6/1 .0661 .0661 .0661 .198 24.5 11.6 36.1 67.90 32.10 1,190 .641 .806 105
Swan 4 6/1 .0834 .0834 .0834 .250 39.0 18.4 57.4 67.90 32.10 1,860 .403 .515 140
Swanate 4 7/1 .0772 .1029 .1029 .257 39.0 28.0 67.0 58.13 41.87 2,360 .399 .519 140
Sparrow 2 6/1 .1052 .1052 .1052 .316 62.0 29.3 91.3 67.90 32.10 2,850 .254 .332 184
Sparate 2 7/1 .0974 .1299 .1299 .325 62.0 44.7 105.7 58.13 41.87 3,640 .251 .338 184
Robin 1 6/1 .1181 .1181 .1181 .354 78.2 36.9 115.1 67.90 32.10 3,550 .201 .258 212
Raven 1/0 6/1 .1327 .1327 .1327 .398 98.7 46.6 145.3 67.90 32.10 4,380 .149 .217 242
Quail 2/0 6/1 .1489 .1489 .1489 .447 124.3 58.7 183.0 67.90 32.10 5,300 .126 .176 276
Pigeon 3/0 6/1 .1672 .1672 .1672 .502 156.7 74.0 230.7 67.90 32.10 6,620 .100 .144 315
Penguin 4/0 6/1 .1878 .1878 .1878 .563 197.7 93.4 291.1 67.90 32.10 8,350 .0795 .119 357
Waxwing 266.8 18/1 .1217 .1217 .1217 .609 250.3 39.2 289.5 86.45 13.55 6,880 .0643 .0787 449
Partridge 266.8 26/7 .1013 .0788 .2364 .642 251.7 115.6 367.2 68.53 31.47 11,300 .0637 .0779 475
Ostrich 300.0 26/7 .1074 .0835 .2505 .680 282.9 129.8 412.7 68.53 31.47 12,700 .0567 .0693 492
Merlin 336.4 18/1 .1367 .1367 .1367 .683 315.8 49.5 365.2 86.45 13.55 8,680 .0510 .0625 519
Linnet 336.4 26/7 .1137 .0884 .2642 .720 317.1 145.4 462.5 68.53 31.47 14,100 .0505 .0618 529
Oriole 336.4 30/7 .1059 .1059 .3117 .741 318.2 208.9 527.1 60.35 39.65 17,800 .0505 .0613 535
Chickadee 397.5 18/1 .1486 .1486 .1486 .743 373.1 58.5 431.6 86.45 13.55 9,940 .0432 .0529 576
Brant 397.5 24/7 .1287 .0858 .2574 .772 375.0 137.0 512.0 73.23 26.77 14,500 .0430 .0526 584
Ibis 397.5 26/7 .1236 .0961 .2882 .783 374.7 171.9 546.6 68.53 31.47 16,300 .0428 .0523 587
Lark 397.5 30/7 .1151 .1151 .3453 .806 375.8 346.8 622.6 60.35 39.65 20,300 .0425 .0519 594
Pelican 477.0 18/1 .1628 .1628 .1628 .814 447.8 70.2 518.0 86.45 13.55 11,800 .0360 .0442 646
Flicker 477.0 24/7 .1410 .0940 .2820 .846 450.1 164.4 614.5 73.23 26.77 17,200 .0358 .0439 655
Hawk 477.0 26/7 .1354 .1053 .3159 .858 449.6 205.4 656.0 68.53 31.47 19,500 .0356 .0436 659
Hen 477.0 30/7 .1261 .1261 .3783 .883 451.1 298.2 747.3 60.35 39.65 23,800 .0354 .0433 666
Osprey 556.5 18/1 .1758 .1758 .1758 .879 552.2 81.8 604.0 86.45 13.55 13,700 .0308 .0379 711
Parakeet 556.5 24/7 .1523 .1015 .3045 .914 525.1 191.7 716.8 73.23 26.77 19,800 .0307 .0376 721
Dove 556.5 26/7 .1463 .1138 .3414 .927 525.0 241.0 766.0 68.53 31.47 22,500 .0306 .0375 726
Eagle 556.5 30/7 .1362 .1362 .4086 .953 526.3 345.6 871.9 60.35 39.75 27,800 .0303 .0372 734
Peacock 605.0 24/7 .1588 .1059 .3177 .953 570.2 208.7 779.6 73.23 26.77 21,600 .0282 .0346 760
Squab 605.0 26/7 .1525 .1186 .3558 .966 570.4 261.8 832.2 68.53 31.47 24,300 .0281 .0345 765
Wood Duck 605.0 30/7 .1420 .1420 .4260 .994 572.0 375.6 947.6 50.35 39.55 28,900 .0279 .0342 774
Teal 605.0 30/19 .1420 .0852 .4260 .994 572.0 367.4 939.4 60.89 39.11 30,000 .0278 .0342 773
Kingbird 636.0 18/1 .1880 .1880 .1880 .940 596.4 93.6 690.8 86.45 13.55 15,700 .0270 .0332 773
Swift 636.0 36/1 .1329 .1329 .1329 .930 596.9 46.8 643.7 92.80 7.20 13,800 .0271 .0334 769
Rook 636.0 24/7 .1628 .1085 .3255 .977 600.0 219.1 819.1 73.23 26.77 22,600 .0268 .0330 784
Grosbeak 636.0 26/7 .1564 .1216 .3648 .990 598.7 276.2 874.1 68.53 31.47 25,200 .0267 .0328 789
Scoter 636.0 30/7 .1456 .1456 .4368 1.019 601.4 394.9 996.3 60.35 39.55 30,400 .0256 .0325 798
Egret 636.0 30/19 .1456 .0874 .4370 1.019 601.4 386.6 988.0 60.89 39.11 31,500 .0266 .0326 798


Code Word Size
Stranding (AL/STL) Diameter Weight
per 1000 ft (Lbs)
Content % Rated Breaking Strength (Lbs) Resistance OHMS/1000 t Rating
Indiv. Wire AI Indiv. Wire STL Steel
Complete Cable OD AL STL Total AL STL DC
@ 20˚C
@ 75˚C
Flamingo 666.6 24/7 .1667 .1111 .333 1.000 629.1 229.7 858.8 73.23 26.77 23,700 .0256 .0315 807
Gannet 666.6 26/7 .1501 .1245 .2725 1.014 628.7 288.5 917.2 68.53 31.47 26,400 .0255 .0313 812
Stilt 715.5 24/7 .1727 .1151 .3453 1.036 675.2 246.5 921.7 73.23 26.77 25,500 .0239 .0294 844
Starling 715.5 26/7 .1659 .1290 .3870 1.051 675.0 309.7 984.7 68.53 31.47 28,400 .0238 .0292 849
Redwing 715.5 30/19 .1544 .0926 .4630 1.081 676.3 434.0 1110 6089 39.11 34,600 .0236 .0290 859
Coot 795.0 36/1 .1486 .1486 .1486 1.040 746.2 58.5 804.7 92.80 7.20 16,800 .0217 .0268 884
Cuckoo 795.0 24/7 .1820 .1213 .3640 1.092 749.9 273.8 1024 72.23 26.77 27,900 .0215 .0265 901
Drake 795.0 26/7 .1749 .1360 .4080 1.108 750.3 344.2 1094 68.53 31.47 31,500 .0214 .0261 907
Tern 795.0 45/7 .1329 .0886 .2660 1.063 749.8 146.1 895.5 83.69 16.31 22,100 .0216 .0269 887
Condor 795.0 54/7 .1213 .1213 .3639 1.092 749.5 273.6 1023 73.25 26.75 28,200 .0215 .0272 889
Mallard 795.0 30/19 .1628 .0977 .4885 1.140 751.9 483.1 1235 60.89 39.11 38,400 .0213 .0261 918
Ruddy 900.0 45/7 .1414 .0943 .2829 1.131 848.7 165.5 1014 83.69 16.31 24,400 .0191 .0239 958
Canary 900.0 54/7 .1291 .1291 .3873 1.162 849.0 309.9 1149 73.25 26.75 31,900 .0190 .0241 961
Rail 954.0 45/7 .1456 .0971 .2913 1.165 899.9 175.5 1075 83.69 16.31 25,900 .0180 .0225 993
Cardinal 954.0 54/7 .1329 .1329 .3987 1.196 899.0 328.4 1228 73.25 26.75 33,800 .0179 .0228 996
Ortolan 1033.5 45/7 .1515 .1010 .3030 1.212 974.3 189.8 1164 83.69 16.31 37,700 .0167 .0209 1043
Curlew 1033.5 54/7 .1383 .1383 .4149 1.245 974.3 355.6 1330 73.25 26.75 36,600 .0165 .0211 1047
Bluejay 1113.0 45/7 .1573 .1049 .3147 1.259 1050 204.8 1255 83.69 16.31 29,800 .0155 .0194 1092
Finch 1113.0 54/19 .1436 .0862 .4310 1.293 1056 276.1 1432 73.75 26.75 39,100 .0154 .0197 1093
Bunting 1192.5 45/7 .1628 .1085 .3255 1.302 1125 219.1 1344 83.69 16.31 32,000 .0144 .0182 1139
Grackle 1192.5 54/19 .1486 .0892 .4460 1.338 1130 402.7 1533 73.75 26.25 41,900 .0144 .0184 1140
Bittern 1272.0 45/7 .1681 .1121 .3363 1.345 1200 233.9 1433 83.69 16.31 34,100 .0135 .0171 1184
Pheasant 1272.0 54/19 .1535 .0921 .4605 1.382 1206 429.3 1635 73.75 26.25 43,500 .0135 .0173 1187
Dipper 1351.0 45/7 .1733 .1155 .3465 1.386 1275 248.3 1525 83.69 16.31 36,200 .0127 .0162 1229
Martin 1351.0 54/19 .1582 .0949 .4745 1.424 1281 455.8 1737 72.75 26.25 46,300 .0127 .0163 1232
Bobolink 1431.0 45/7 .1783 .1189 .3567 1.427 1350 263.1 1613 83.69 16.31 38,300 .0120 .0153 1272
Plover 1431.0 54/19 .1628 .0977 .4885 1.465 1357 483.1 1840 73.75 26.25 49,100 .0120 .0155 1275
Nuthatch 1510.5 45/7 .1832 .1221 .3663 1.465 1425 277.4 1702 83.69 16.31 40,100 .0144 .0146 1313
Parrot 1510.5 54/19 .1672 .1003 .5015 1.505 1431 509.2 1940 73.75 26.25 51,700 .0114 .0147 1318
Lapwing 1590.0 45/7 .1880 .1253 .3759 1.504 1505 292.2 1797 83.69 16.31 42,200 .0108 .0139 1354
Falcon 1590.0 54/19 .1716 .1030 .5150 1.545 1507 537.0 2044 73.75 26.25 54,500 .0108 .0137 1359
Chukar 1780.0 84/19 .1456 .0874 .4370 1.602 1688 386.6 2975 81.3 18.7 51,000 .0097 .0125 1453
Bluebird 2156.0 84/19 .1602 .0961 .4805 1.762 2044 467.4 2511 81.3 18.7 60,300 .0081 .0106 1623
Kiwi 2167.0 72/7 .1735 .1157 .3471 1.735 2055 248.9 2303 89.2 10.8 49,800 .0080 .0106 1607
Thrasher 2312.0 76/19 .1744 .0814 .4070 1.802 2191 335.4 2527 86.73 13.27 56,700 .0075 .0100 1673
Joree 2515.0 76/19 .1819 .0849 .4245 1.880 2384 364.8 2749 85.73 13.27 61,700 .0069 .0093 1751

1. Resistance is calculated using ASTM standard increments of stranding, and metal conductivies of 61.2% IACS for EC (1350), and 8% IACS for steel. AC (60 Hz) resistance includes current dependent hysteresis loss factor for 1 and 3 constructions.
2. Current ratings are based on 75°C conductor temperature, 25°C ambient, 2ft/sec wind, 96/watts/sq. foot sun, 0.5 coefficients of emissivity and absorption.